The mystery continues

This is part 1 of a series of blog posts about my health. See Part 2 here or Part 3 here.

For the past several weeks, I have been awfully ill. I have had a wide range of symptoms ranging from vomiting, to bowel problems. This week I decided it was time to go back to the doctors for the 2nd time and they decided to run a few tests.. Blood, Urine, Stool and an Ultrasound of my Abdomen.

The Urine tests indicated a tract infection, however that turned out to be a false positive. The Ultrasound showed I have an enlarged Spleen which is double the size than normal which explains the pain in my chest I’ve been having. The blood tests showed a higher than normal white cell count however the real worry was my liver function tests. My doctor indicated that usually this usually indicates a parasitic infection and we would have to wait for the stool sample tests to come back to find out what type of parasite it was and how to go from there. However at that point I was severely dehydrated from vomiting every day for 3 weeks straight and in massive pain. Luckily my Doctor was able to find an injection to help me stop vomiting and came back and said she found some fluid bags so I could have an IV to help get some of the fluids back in my body to make me feel better. Just a tip.. If you ever get an IV, opt to have it put in your hand so you can actually move your arm unfortunately because I was so dehydrated I had to have it in the corner of my arm because there was no veins in my hand.

Friday morning I went to the doctors to find out what type of parasite it was only to be told 2 days after I completed the test the results still weren’t in. I was beginning to get annoyed at the fact they take so long to run tests and in the mean time I have to suffer.

The past several weeks have been challenging, I’ve missed a lot of classes at college. I’ve had even more problems this week after developing a cold to add to even more of the problems I’ve been having. I already had trouble breathing from the parasite and the cold just made it worse! I think I’ll always be sick in life, so far.. I just haven’t had a time when I’m healthy. I still have the ongoing issues with Migraines/Headaches that I’m sorting out with a neurologist too.


Love . Student, IT Consultant, Web Master and social media junkie. Interests include classical music, photography and gaming. Have Asperger’s and MDD.

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