Alright, so the iPads have been out for over a week now and I’ve been meaning to do this post for a while.
I personally would love an iPad, I think it would be cool to have one and to use it in my day to day life. In saying so, I can’t justify spending $1049 for the 64gb 3G version when it comes out here in Australia, when I can just as easily buy a GOOD laptop for about $2000 which would let me do a lot more. Sure, if I came into some money, I would definitely buy one but for now all I can do is sob when people do the following things below..
Sad to see someone so easily destroy something you covet, but holy crap I love the blend it guy. Course, he’s gonna die of cancer from breathing in all the fumes from stuff he blends, but in the meantime I love his work.
The Blendtec blender guy has a whole range of videos on his YouTube channel of other stuff he destroys by blending it. Check out his channel here