Today I finally caved in and bought an iPad. It’s been on my radar ever since it was announced and I have wanted one badly but resisted because of the price. Lately a lot of people have been buying one so today I went into Adelaide and played with the demo models and after 20 or so minutes I decided to buy one. I just took my debit card out and bought the 64GB + 3G model. I was going to use a Vodafone SIM in the iPad but for some unknown reason you can’t use a Commonwealth bank MasterCard with Vodafones prepaid system so I decided I would go with Telstra for the extra speed and coverage. I was really annoyed at the fact Telstra wouldn’t sign it up under my name because I’m under 18 especially when it was a prepaid SIM. So I unfortunately I had to wait until I got home to have a play. My initial impressions after taking it out of the box was “Ohh Shiny!” and it looked very smexy. However after playing with it in bed (One of the primary places I would be using it) I discovered it was really hard to get comfortable holding it while laying down. I’m writing this post on the iPad to give typing a go and I’m finding the keyboard very difficult for this length of text. I haven’t ruled out taking it back yet, Over the next few days I’ll have more of a play around and I will update this post!
Update 19-10-10: After using the iPad over the weekend I’ve found it to be quite a good device and I’m loving it as an eReader. For now I don’t think I’ll be returning it.
Update 27-10-10: I’ve had the device for almost 2 weeks now. Over those 2 weeks I’ve found the device to be defective and therefore have decided to get a refund instead of an exchange. The battery was only lasting for 2 hours and quite often the home button wouldn’t work or the device just simply wouldn’t turn on. While the idea behind the iPad is quite a good one, for now I’ve decided to wait a while until they improve it / fix the current issues. I’ll just have to accept the loss of $30 for the Telstra Micro SIM I brought and will hopefully get a full refund on the device.
Update 12-11-10: Today the $1049 I spent on the iPad appeared back in my bank account, the refund has successfully gone through. Good news!
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