After being asked to do a design for a friend, I discovered that web design is not what I would like to do as a job. I have instead decided to study Cert IV Network Administration. You can see the attached .pdf document to see which modules are involved in studying that particular certificate, But I think it will be must more interesting and easier for me and I honestly think I could do quite well at it as a job. One of the main reasons that I’m not continuing with web design is because I’m not very creative, I can’t seem to visualize in my head what I would like the final design to look like and it has put me under a lot of stress just doing that design for a friend. I think this problem mainly might be caused due to my Aspergers Syndrome but I can’t be completely sure not everyone has the talent to be creative. With this study move, it also gives me the opportunity if I would like to study again at Noarlunga campus again. I’m not quite sure whether or not I would prefer to study in the city itself or if I would prefer the southern more quieter campus, the journey to college everyday would be a lot easier if I was to study down south but I like the city environment and having opportunities open to me that could happen in the city. At Noarlunga I don’t feel particularly safe, its known for its crime and there is just a lot of “bad looking” people around.
Let me know in the comments about what you think of this career change and which campus you think I should study at!